~ About the Illustrator ~

Chuck Asay self portrait

Chuck Asay hails from Alamosa, Colorado, and is a graduate of Adams State College. An inveterate doodler, Chuck has drawn his right-wing, Christianity-inspired and prize winning cartoons for The Taos News, The Colorado Springs Sun, and the Gazette in Colorado Springs. Creators Syndicate currently distributes his editorial cartoons nationally. His recent book (with Sharon Cooper), Taxpayers’ Tea Party, skewers liberals and promotes tea party ideals.

Politically, Chuck Asay and Terry Marshall are polar opposites. But they share a common passion in goading people into thinking about the major issues that confront us today.

Sample Illustration

Kindred spirits illustration

On the positive side, Chuck drew 21 original illustrations for Soda Springs, plus two 2-page maps and the cover.

In the illustration, from page 4 of the book, the protagonist, Rick Sanders, enjoys his first evening in Birmingham bantering with his roommate’s mother, Priscilla McPherson.

Soda Springs illustrations win Global eBook Awards contest

Chuck Asay’s art in Terry Marshall’s Soda Springs won first place for illustrated fiction in Dan Poynter’s “Global eBook Awards” contest. The novel was a finalist in multicultural fiction.

For more information, contact the illustrator:
phone: 719-471-9075
e-mail: acdoodle1@mindspring.com
Facebook: Chuck Asay

newspaper art

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