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Notes On Human Creativity: From Adam To Atoms
Imagine this: it’s November 1, 1512, and you’re one of the lucky few commoners permitted to enter the Pope’s private place of worship—the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican in Rome. You look up. You’re awestruck. That star-studded blue sky is no more. Overhead, a...

Bingham: A Family Name of Distinction, Not Obscurity
Imagine this: You, your wife, and your Hawaiian associate and his wife are dropped off on a coral atoll near the equator in the southwest Pacific—after six weeks aboard a small sailing ship from Honolulu. It’s November 17, 1857. You four are the only non-Gilbertese on...

MacArthur Wades Ashore in Leyte: Remembrances of Days Passed
Everyone has seen the iconic WWII photo of Gen. Douglas MacArthur striding through the water in his khakis, shoes soaking wet, right? Well, roll back the newsreels: This week marks another historical date we can’t forget: Leyte Landing Day, October 20, 1944, when...
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