~ Tips For Writers ~
Writing fiction is hard work. You write . . rewrite . . . root out the underbrush . . . cut, cut, cut . . . rewrite again . . . banish unneeded characters . . . oust cliches . . . spiff up the language . . . then rewrite yet again . . . over and over.
Writing a novel is a long trek. When you’re finished, your life lies buried in mounds of flotsam and jetsam a reader never sees in the published book.
So what IF . . . we use Soda Springs: Sex, Love, and Civil Rights as an on-line writer’s boot camp? I’ll show you the warts and dirty little secrets that only a novel’s author knows . . .
Writing for the Web
Writing for your website is nothing like writing your novel. It's a genre of its own. Short sentences. Fragments. Graphics. Bullets. "Special effects" you'll never find in a novel . . . ellipses (in place of commas), words in boldface or colors . . . or Arabic...

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