Terry, his Mom, and the Chorus Girls

Out Strutted ‘Girls’ in Spangle-Covered, Skin Tight . . .

Terry, A Rendezvous to Remember, Ch 14: High Stakes Gambling, July 23, 1964, Harrah’s Casino, Reno, Nevada:

Margaret Marshall: Thoroughly modern Mom

“Mom and I scrunched up to one of the tiny cabaret tables, ordered Black Russians—‘Wow, Terry, these are yummy!’—and settled in, front row. There I was, rubbing knees with my mother, close as a hot date. The lights dimmed. Chatter died out. The orchestra roared to life.

“Out strutted the ‘girls’ in high heels and skimpy spangle-covered, skin tight, low-slung half-bikinis. And naked from head to hips! Bare naked—not even sporting those tiny tasseled pasties I’d seen on Bourbon Street when a carload of us drove from CU to New Orleans one spring break. That steamy tease nearly set me off, especially the girl who swung her tassels like tether balls simultaneously in opposite directions. But this troupe bested New Orleans.”

I was afraid Mom would box my ears

“The stage sparkled with topless beauties, bare breasts bouncing, nipples front and center. These girls danced. And pranced.

“I was afraid to twitch for fear Mom would catch me letching, then box my ears. I sat transfixed, blown away not only by the sex on display, but by the dancers’ enthusiasm, their energy, their athleticism. They were in better shape than I’d been when I wrestled in high school.

“Afterwards, as we filed out into the street, I couldn’t say a word to Mom, or look at her.

“‘Well,’ she said, once we had broken free of the crowd, ‘That was quite entertaining. Those girls are beautiful, aren’t they? So graceful. Too bad we have to leave tomorrow.’”

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