~ Civil Rights ~

Civil Rights Today bridges the nearly half-century since 1963 when Rick, Ginny Sue, Concha, Lupe, and Flor fought the good fight for civil rights in Soda Springs, Colorado. Since then, Martin Luther King has become a national icon. A new generation of civil rights leaders has emerged. The civil rights movement has made great progress . . . yet, much still remains to be done.

“Double D Day”: A Day to Remember

“Double D Day”: A Day to Remember

Today is a day we can’t forget: “Double D Day,” Birmingham, Alabama. In Birmingham that year, April had been a month of Civil Rights demonstrations, marches, rallies, picketing, boycotts, sit-ins. The city had fought back, violently, and arrested hundreds of...

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MLK Day: a day for Whites and Blacks

Another Martin Luther King Day came and went last week. We celebrated. We listened again to “I Have a Dream.” We held parades and dinners and social gatherings and applauded the glowing remembrances. And, of course, a number of us raced off to the malls to pony up...

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MLKs birthday: a day to celebrate

Today is a day to celebrate. It’s Martin Luther King’s birthday, Sunday, January 15. No, wait . . . we’re supposed to celebrate tomorrow – that way those of us with jobs get a three-day weekend. Thank you, sir. I’m going the whole distance. I’m celebrating both Sunday...

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MLK’s D.C. memorial . . . official at last

We’ve waited six weeks to dedicate the new Martin Luther King National Memorial on the Mall. No earthquake today. No hurricane. No rain. Today, a crisp fall morning in D.C. October is a good time to be in D.C., and the memorial is another reason to revisit Washington....

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August 28 . . . MLK’s dream lives on!

Today was supposed to be the big day in Washington, D.C.: dedication of the new Martin Luther King National Memorial on the Mall. Postponed by a hurricane named Irene. But the Memorial is up, a new mecca for visitors. I’ve added it to the long list of reasons to...

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The Help: A Novel to Read and Think About

Critics be damned: The Help is a great showcase for women The Help resonates because its stories are about ordinary women coping with life – and in the end, demonstrating that maids, too, can have a meaningful voice in Civil Rights. Read the full blog here. How both...

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