~ Our Take ~

The Blog: Our Take is about immigration, sexual assault, war, and other topics that have been historically important and continue to be relevant today.

A Shout-Out To Sir Jacob Vouza, An American Hero

A Shout-Out To Sir Jacob Vouza, An American Hero

Yesterday—August 7—marked one of those significant events in American history that slip by without notice: no celebrations, no fireworks, no memorials. Let’s at least give it a shout out: Here’s the context: World War II—After Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941), the...

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The Tragic Path into the Vietnam War

The Tragic Path into the Vietnam War

When we were kids, we thought George Washington’s simple statement, “I cannot tell a lie” was the founding mantra for our nation’s leaders. Our leaders did not—and would not—tell lies. For us, that myth was shattered in May 1960—my senior year of high school—when the...

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National holidays? We love them.

National holidays? We love them.

Photo: The Malecón, Havana’s seaside promenade: Note especially an ocean wave that has just crashed into the seawall, flinging its spume high into the sunset. Tomorrow is a memorable one: 26 de Julio—National Revolution Day . . ....

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The Day for a Country to Celebrate

The Day for a Country to Celebrate

Photo: Celebrating at the Independence Parade July 7th—Happy Independence Day! What, you say? We missed the day by 72 hours? NOT! July 7 is the day Solomon Islanders celebrate their own Independence from Great Britain—303 years after the U.S. declared our independence...

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We Need Action: A Lesson From the Sixties

We Need Action: A Lesson From the Sixties

In the mid-Sixties, our US cities were burning, with riots in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Newark. Finally, in July 1967—54 years ago—and amid new riots in Detroit, President Lyndon Johnson issued an executive order appointing the Kerner Commission on Civil Disorders and...

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Stunned by a Frenchman’s Gratitude

Stunned by a Frenchman’s Gratitude

Exactly 77 years ago today, on D-Day, nearly 160,000 Allied troops stormed the beaches of Normandy to turn back the tide of Nazi Germany’s campaign to dominate Europe during World War II. Yes, today is a day to remember: D-Day, the World War II allied landing on...

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In Memory of Those Who Never Made It Home

In Memory of Those Who Never Made It Home

We’ve been fortunate through the years to have lived and worked in several foreign countries—three years in the Solomon Islands and two in the Philippines as a married couple; a year in Italy for Ann as a teenager. One result: a treasure-trove of great memories from...

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Questions for Mom

Questions for Mom

Writing our memoir (A Rendezvous to Remember) about our early days has been a 3-D roller-coaster ride: breath-taking, but some of the twists and turns left us bruised and aching, like my decision to marry against my parents’ wishes. Fortunately, the winds of time...

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Dream BIG? Free Solo, Mountain Men, Dare To

Dream BIG? Free Solo, Mountain Men, Dare To

Challenge for super-athlete-mountaineers: Free Solo Climb of El Capitan, Yosemite National Park. Photo by, and with thanks to, Mike Murphy   Ready to dream big? Imagine stepping your full weight into invisible toeholds on a granite face when the nearest...

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